Der Reboot der Fantastic Four hatte seit der Ankündigung im Winter 2012 mit viel Gegenwind und einigen Kontroversen zu kämpfen. Zum einen wurden so ziemlich alle bekanntgewordenen kreativen Entscheidungen durch die Comicfans heftigst diskutiert (vom Casting bis zum düsteren Ton), doch auch hinter den Kulissen schien es mit der Produktion alles andere als rund zu laufen.
Auch nicht geholfen hat die verzögerte Marketingkampagne und auch die Reaktionen auf die Trailer schienen nicht für den erhofften Stimmungswandel zu sorgen. Entsprechend gespannt ist man auf den fertigen Film, der am Freitag in den USA und nächste Woche bei uns anläuft.
Zwei Tage vor dem US-Start können die US-Pressevertreter nun ihre Kritiken veröffentlichen und die ersten Meinungen fallen eher nicht so gut aus. Hier ein paar Kritiken von den großen Entertainment-Portalen. Auf die Übersetzung haben wir in diesem Fall verzichtet, die deutschen Kritiken bzw. unsere Kritik zum Film lassen nicht lange auf sich warten:
"Fantastic Four feels like a 100-minute trailer for a movie that never happens. At this point in the ever-expanding cinematic superhero game, it behooves any filmmakers who gets involved to have at least a mildly fresh take on their characters and material, but this third attempt to create a worthy cinematic franchise from the first of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's iconic comic book creations, which can genuinely claim to have launched the Age of Marvel, proves maddeningly lame and unimaginative... Nothing that Trank and his co-writers Jeremy Slater and Simon Kinberg have come up with does anything to alleviate the feeling that the titular quartet simply don't constitute very interesting superheroes."-Hollywood Reporter
"Joining Spider-Man in the annals of dizzyingly rapid reboots, Fox's second stab at "Fantastic Four" comes just eight years after the first try and its sequel, which didn't set the bar inordinately high. Yet if this latest version, with a significantly younger cast (one's tempted to call it "Fantastic Four High"), clears that threshold, it's just barely, drawing from a different source to reimagine the quartet's origins without conspicuously improving them... Ultimately, Fox's stab at reviving one of its inherited Marvel properties feels less like a blockbuster for this age of comics-oriented tentpoles than it does another also-ran - not an embarrassment, but an experiment that didn't gel." -Variety
"After battling months of bad buzz about a troubled production and the need for reshoots, Fantastic Four emerges as a wounded animal of a superhero movie, only rarely showing flashes of the darker, more emotional breed of Marvel film it's trying to be. Certainly, Fox's rebooting of the franchise blessedly lacks the dopey irreverence of the 2005 version and its sequel, both directed by Tim Story, but Chronicle filmmaker Josh Trank struggles to balance an origin story, mediocre comic-book action, and a strained metaphor about dysfunctional families. A good cast led by Miles Teller gets swallowed up in a narrative that grows progressively more muddled and tedious." -Screen Daily
"The biggest mistake here seems to have been trying to marry a dark and realistic tone with the story of four teenagers whose superpowers include transforming into rock, generating force fields and becoming very stretchy. While far from the unmitigated disaster some had predicted, Fantastic Four feels unlikely to kick-start a new franchise, barely sustaining the narrative steam to power itself through its modest 90-minute running time." -Digital Spy
"Director Josh Trank, whose debut feature "Chronicle" put a smart new spin on superhero tropes, has assembled a quartet of engaging, charismatic performers and stranded them in a miasma of exposition and set-up that sinks the movie. So much time is spent putting the pieces on the board that there's barely any time to play with them." -The Wrap