2115 - 2256 |
Buch: | Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi-Corps (Psi-Corps Trilogy, Book 1) |
Buch: | Deadly Relations: Bester Ascendant (Psi-Corps Trilogy, Book 2) |
Film: | In the Beginning/Der erste Schritt |
Buch: | The Shadow within |
2257 |
Film: | The Gathering/Pilotfilm: Die Zusammenkunft |
2258 |
Episode: | 101. Midnight on the Firing Line/Ragesh 3 |
Episode: | 102. Soul Hunter/Der Seelenjäger |
Episode: | 103. Born to the Purple/Die Purpurdaten |
Episode: | 104. Infection/Ein unheimlicher Fund |
Episode: | 105. The Parliament of Dreams/Angriff auf G'Kar |
Episode: | 106. Mind War/Die Macht des Geistes |
Episode: | 107. The War Prayer/Angriff auf die Außerirdischen |
Episode: | 108. And The Sky Full Of Stars/Gefangen im Cybernetz |
Episode: | 109. Deathwalker/Die Todesbringerin |
Episode: | 110. Believers/Die Gläubigen |
Episode: | 111. Survivors/Ein Wiedersehen mit Folgen |
Episode: | 112. By Any Means Necessary/Mit allen Mitteln |
Episode: | 113. Signs and Portents/Visionen des Schreckens |
Episode: | 114. TKO/Im Ring es Blutes |
Episode: | 115. Grail/Der Gral |
Episode: | 116. Eyes/Die Untersuchung |
Episode: | 117. Legacies/Krieger wider Willen |
Episode: | 118. A Voice in the Wilderness, part 1/Angriff der Aliens, Teil 1 |
Episode: | 119. A Voice in the Wilderness, part 2/Angriff der Aliens, Teil 2 |
Episode: | 120. Babylon Squared/Verloren in der Zeit |
Buch: | Casting Shadows (Technomage-Trilogy, Book 1) |
Episode: | 121. The Quality of Mercy/Die Heilerin |
Episode: | 122. Chrysalis/Chrysalis |
2259 |
Comic: | Verrat Teil 1 (In Darkness find me) |
Episode: | 201. Points of Departure/Die Feuerprobe |
Episode: | 202. Revelations/Rückkehr der Finsternis |
Comic: | Verrat Teil 2; Der Preis des Friedens (Treason; In Harm's Way; The Price of Peace) |
Buch: | To Dream in the City of Sorrows |
Buch: | Summoning Light (Technomage-Trilogy, Book 2) |
Episode: | 203. The Geometry of Shadows/Eine Frage der Farbe |
Comic: | Der Laserspiegel (Duet for Human and Narn in C Sharp, Coda for Human and Narn in B Flat) |
Episode: | 204. A Distant Star/Rettet die Cortez! |
Episode: | 205. The Long Dark/Der unsichtbare Feind |
Episode: | 206. A Spider in the Web/Freiheit für den Mars |
Episode: | 207. Soul Mates/Drei Frauen für Mollari |
Buch: | Tödliche Gedanken (Voices) |
Episode: | 208. A Race Through Dark Places/Der Gedankenpolizist |
Buch: | Blutschwur (Blood Oath) |
Comic: | Schatten der Vergangenheit; Stille Feinde (With Friends Like These; Against the Odds; Survival the Hard Way; Silent Enemies) |
Episode: | 209. The Coming of Shadows/Schatten am Horizont |
Episode: | 210. Gropos/Die Schlacht um Matok |
Buch: | Im Kreuzfeuer (Accusations) |
Episode: | 211. All Alone in the Night/Alarm im Sektor 92 |
Episode: | 212. Acts of Sacrifice/Auf dem Pulverfass |
Episode: | 213. Hunter, Prey/Der Arzt des Präsidenten |
Episode: | 214. There All the Honor Lies/Minbari lügen nicht |
Episode: | 215. And Now For a Word/36 Stunden auf Babylon 5 |
Episode: | 216. Knives/Duell unter Freunden |
Episode: | 217. In the Shadow of Z'Ha'Dum/Das Geheimnis von Z'Ha'Dum |
Buch: | Krieg der Verschwörer (Betrayals) |
Comic: | The Psi-Corps and You! |
Episode: | 218. Confessions and Lamentations/Das Ende der Markab |
Episode: | 219. Divided Loyalties/Verräter ohne Schuld |
Episode: | 220. The Long, Twilight Struggle/Die Armee des Lichts |
Episode: | 221. Comes the Inquisitor/Das Verhör des Inquisitors |
Buch: | Schatten des Todes (Clark's Law) |
Episode: | 222. The Fall of Night/Ein Pakt mit dem Teufel |
2260 |
Episode: | 301. Matters of Honor/Das Schattenschiff |
Episode: | 302. Convictions/Bombenterror |
Buch: | Schwarze Träume (The Touch of your Shadow, the Whisper of your Name |
Episode: | 303. A Day in the Strife/24 Stunden bis zum Ende |
Episode: | 304. Passing Through Gethsemane/Die Schrift aus Blut |
Episode: | 305. Voices of Authority/Der Beweis |
Episode: | 306. Dust to Dust/Der Selbstversuch |
Episode: | 307. Exogenesis/Die Hüter des Wissens |
Episode: | 308. Messages from Earth/Das Netz der Lügen |
Episode: | 309. Point of No Return/Kriegsrecht |
Episode: | 310. Severed Dreams/Die Strafaktion |
Episode: | 311. Ceremonies of Light and Dark/Ein neuer Anfang |
Episode: | 312. Sic Transit Vir/Eine wahre Centauri |
Episode: | 313. A Late Delivery from Avalon/Schmerzen der Erinnerung |
Episode: | 314. Ship of Tears/Der Feind meines Feindes |
Episode: | 315. Interludes and Examinations/Zeit des Abschieds |
Episode: | 316. War Without End, Part 1/Ranger Eins |
Episode: | 317. War Without End, Part 2/Tausend Jahre durch die Zeit |
Episode: | 318. Walkabout/Die Schlacht der Telepathen |
Episode: | 319. Grey 17 Is Missing/Das Rätsel von Grau 17 |
Episode: | 320. And The Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place/Tod eines Intriganten |
Buch: | Invoking Darkness (Technomage-Trilogy, Book 3) |
Episode: | 321. Shadow Dancing/Der große Schlag |
Episode: | 322. Z'Ha'Dum/Der Alleingang |
2261 |
Episode: | 401. The Hour of the Wolf/Die Stunde des Wolfs |
Episode: | 402. Whatever Happened to Mister Garibaldi?/Der Letzte des Kha'Ri |
Episode: | 403. The Summoning/Rückkehr vom Schattenplaneten |
Buch: | Personal Agendas |
Episode: | 404. Falling Toward Apotheosis/Das Monster auf dem Thron |
Episode: | 405. The Long Night/Tyrannenmord |
Episode: | 406. Into The Fire/Das dritte Zeitalter |
Comic: | In Valen's Name (Part 1-3) |
Episode: | 407. Epiphanies/Unter Quarantäne |
Episode: | 408. The Illusion of Truth/Lügenpropaganda |
Film: | Thirdspace/Das Tor zur 3. Dimension |
Episode: | 409. Atonement/Das Traumorakel |
Episode: | 410. Racing Mars/Captain Jack |
Episode: | 411. Lines of Communication/Die Stimme des Widerstandes |
Episode: | 412. Conflicts of Interest/Ein Job für Garibaldi |
Episode: | 413. Rumors, Bargains and Lies/Krieg der Kasten |
Episode: | 414. Moments of Transition/Im Kreis des Sternenfeuers |
Episode: | 415. No Surrender, No Retreat/Die Befreiung von Proxima 3 |
Episode: | 416. The Exercise of Vital Powers/Hinter den Kulissen |
Episode: | 417. The Face of the Enemy/Homo Superior |
Episode: | 418. Intersections in Real Time/Das Verhör |
Episode: | 419. Between the Darkness and the Light/Das Werkzeug der Vergeltung |
Episode: | 420. Endgame/Söhne und Töchter der Erde |
Episode: | 421. Rising Star/Die neue Allianz |
Episode: | 422. The Destruction of Falling Stars/In hundert Jahren, in tausend Jahren |
2262 |
Episode: | 501. No Compromises/Der Attentäter |
Episode: | 502. The Long Night of Londo Mollari/An der Schwelle des Todes |
Episode: | 503. The Paragon of Animals/Die Stimme des Universums |
Episode: | 504. A View from the Gallery/Einfache Leute |
Episode: | 505. Learning Curve/Lektion des Schreckens |
Episode: | 506 . Strange Relations/Der Herr der Bluthunde |
Episode: | 507. Secrets of the Soul/Ein sterbendes Volk |
Episode: | 508. Day of the Dead/Der Tag der Toten |
Episode: | 509. In the Kingdom of the Blind/Die Telepathenkolonie |
Episode: | 510. A Tragedy of Telepaths/Die letzte Gefangene |
Episode: | 511. Phoenix Rising/Vergesst Byron nicht |
Episode: | 512. The Ragged Edge/Das Buch G'Kar |
Episode: | 513. The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father/Das Corps der Gnadenlosen |
Episode: | 514. Meditations on the Abyss/Die Wahrheit ist ein Fluss |
Episode: | 515. Darkness Ascending/Am Rande des Abgrunds |
Episode: | 516. And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder/Die Blockade |
Episode: | 517. Movements of Fire and Shadow/Der letzte Befehl |
Episode: | 518. The Fall of Centauri Prime/Die Bürde des Imperators |
Buch: | The Long Night of Centauri Prime (Centaury-Trilogy, Book 1) |
Episode: | 519. Wheel of Fire/Augen aus Feuer |
Episode: | 520. Objects in Motion/Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? |
Episode: | 521. Objects at Rest/Der letzte Blick zurück |
2263 |
Film: | The River of Souls/Der Fluß der Seelen |
2265 |
Film: | To Live and Die in Starlight/Legend of the Rangers |
2267 |
Film: | A Call to Arms/Waffenbrüder |
| Crusade |
2268 - 2280 |
Buch: | Armies of Light and Dark (Centaury-Trilogy, Book 2) |
Buch: | Final Reckoning: The Fate of Bester (Psi-Corps Trilogy, Book 3) |
Buch: | Out of the Darkness (Centaury-Trilogy, Book 3) |
2281 |
Episode: | 522. Sleeping Light/Der Weg ins Licht |